Hope for a Brighter Day, Inc. 501(c)3 non-profit
Hope for a Brighter Day, Inc. 501(c)3 non-profit
Your positive journey is solving it with Us.
Your positive journey is solving it with Us.
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Dr. Zayas hold certifications in the following areas:
Handwriting Analysis, Certified Advanced Handwriting Analysis, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Pain Management, Certified Specialist Smoking Cessation,
Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Pre and Post Surgery, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and the inner child, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Immune Disorders, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Sports Performance, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Transgender Clients, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and ADD-ADHD, Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Weight Loss, Certified Specialist Past -Life Regression Therapist and Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Childbirth, Certified Specialist Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator, Certification Specialist Hypnosis for the Caregiver, Certified Specialist Emergency Hypnosis and Certified Specialist in Trauma Recovery. Certified Angel Card Reader, Certification Specialist Advanced Imagery, Certified Realm Reader, Certified Specialist in Hypnosis and Seniors, Certified Specialist Therapeutic Imagery Master, Certificate in Wellness Recovery Action Plan,
Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Tinnitus. As of December 15, 2016 I became a provider for the Ryan White Program; through Miami Beach Community Health Center. Certified Crystal Reader. Certified Chakra Energy Healer, Certified Angel Intuitive Counselor, Introduction to Biofeedback 1 & 2. Certificate of Completion in Online Teaching Blackboard Learning System
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Certification
Hypnotic Storytelling
How to Write TherapeuticHypnosis Script
Reiki snd Colour Therapy
Completed the Introduction Course on Biofeedback Part 1
Proud of having completed Reiki I & II great accomplishment !
I am so proud of completing my Certification as a Reki Master. What a Blessing!
Completed my Karuna Ki Master Level of Reiki and received my Certification..
Contact Information
Contact Information
Matilde Zayas, PhD,C.Ht,
Cell:(7 86) 4444-4205
Office: (305) 383-6336
Office Hours:
Monday through Saturday
9:00 AM to 8: 00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Address:Miami, FL
Cell:(7 86) 4444-4205
Office: (305) 383-6336
Office Hours:
Monday through Saturday
9:00 AM to 8: 00 PM
Sunday: Closed
Address:Miami, FL
Request More Information
Request More Information
You can chat with me through VSee.com Just type matildezayas@hopeforabrighterdayinc.com
Completed the Introduction Course on Biofeedback Part 2
Complete the course as a
Brhavior Health Technician.
Now the process begins to become
Licensed within that area.
Certified Specialist Advanced
Advertising and Promotion
Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher
Certified Angel Intuitive Therapist
Certificate of Completion in Online
Teaching Blackboard Learning System
Certified Crystal Reader
Certified Practitioner of Neuro-
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Specialist Therapeutic Imagery Master
Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Tinnitus
Dream Analysis
E and P Attraction
Neuro-Lingustic Programing
Theory of Mind
Corrective Therapy and other modalities
Certified Chakra Energy Healing Counselor
Danger Assessment Training Certificate
Danger Assessment Certification
Action Plan
Therapeutic Imagery Mythic and Archetypal
Chakras and Reiki Therapy
General Self Improvement and other counseling issues Medical Hypnosis Specialty: Misophonia, TMJ, Fibromyalgia, Migraine, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Essential Hypertension, Sciatica, Head Pain, Cervicalgia and others medical issues.
Emotional Freedom Technique {EFT Advanced Therapy}
Certified Card Reader
Certified Realm Reader
Clairvoyance Therapy
Polarity Therapy
Crystal Polarity Therapy